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Online Coaching

Online coaching proves to be invaluable for individuals who may not have the means to afford one-on-one personal training. It extends beyond traditional fitness guidance, encompassing holistic health coaching that addresses sleep, stress management, and daily habits. With self-guided yet personalised gym sessions adaptable to both gym and home settings, it provides flexibility and accessibility. What sets online coaching apart is the crucial human-to-human element, offering a supportive and personalized touch absent in generic online programs. While it can't replace the in-person experience entirely, online coaching stands out as an affordable and comprehensive support system for those seeking a holistic approach to health and fitness.

Who is it good for?

Online coaching benefits busy individuals with flexible schedules, offering tailored workouts for professionals or parents. Ideal for those in remote areas or lacking local gym access, it caters to the self-motivated seeking autonomy. Affordable and accessible, it provides quality fitness coaching for those with budget constraints, supporting diverse needs and goals.

Who is it not suited for?

Online fitness coaching may not be suitable for individuals who require direct, in-person supervision due to complex medical conditions, severe injuries, or unique training needs. Those who thrive on the immediate feedback and hands-on guidance provided by traditional in-person trainers might find online coaching less optimal. Additionally, individuals who struggle with self-motivation or need extensive accountability measures may benefit more from the in-person interaction and structured environment offered by a physical gym or personal training sessions.  If this is you, you can find out more about 1-2-1 Personal Training Here.

What does it include?

'Deep Health Coaching + Remote Personal Training' -  An Online Tailored Fitness and Wellness Solution. 


 Clients receive personalised workout plans and nutrition guidance, adapted to individual goals and preferences. Regular virtual  weekly written check-ins ensure ongoing support and adjustments. Behavioural coaching targets habits and mindset, fostering sustainable changes. Real-time exercise demonstrations enhance technique, while educational resources empower informed choices. Flexible scheduling accommodates diverse lifestyles, and robust accountability measures, such as goal setting and progress tracking, promote lasting success in achieving health and fitness objectives.


£50 per week 

8 week minimum commitment. 

Client Experience

"Kate has been such a great support in providing training and advice not just about workouts, but also to help me manage sleep, stress, and nutrition. In the time I’ve been working with her, Kate has helped me a lot in adapting training to my lifestyle so that I can make realistic changes that work for me, as well as building back up my confidence in the gym! I love that Kate’s training focuses on holistic health and not just physical results - I have really been able to make changes to my life that help me all round, not just in the gym!" - Ruby Woollacott - Online Coaching Client

Want a more in-depth and unique training experience? Check out 1-2-1 Personal Training Here

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