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Personal Training

Embarking on a personal training journey is a profound investment in both your current well-being and your future self. Opting for one-on-one  personal training over generic online programs brings a personalised touch that is unparalleled. The tailored guidance from a dedicated trainer ensures that every workout aligns with your unique goals and addresses your individual needs, optimising results and minimising the risk of injury. Unlike generic online programs, the direct interaction with a trainer allows for real-time adjustments and motivation, fostering a deeper understanding of your body and its capabilities. Many individuals struggle with consistency, motivation, and adapting workouts to specific concerns. Personal training acts as a remedy to these common pain points, providing the accountability and expertise needed to overcome hurdles and cultivate a sustainable, healthy lifestyle. By investing in this personalised approach, you're not just enhancing your fitness today but forging a path towards a future marked by lasting vitality and well-being.


 City of London .  London Bridge . Tower Bridge  & Canary Wharf

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Who is 1-2-1 training suited for?

Individuals Seeking Personalised Attention: One-on-one personal training is ideal for individuals who crave personalised attention and tailored workouts. If you value a fitness program designed specifically for your goals, abilities, and preferences, 1-2-1 training is the perfect fit.


Those with Specific Health Concerns or Goals: If you have specific health concerns, such as injuries or medical conditions, or targeted fitness goals like weight loss, muscle gain, or improved flexibility, a personal trainer can customise exercises to address these needs effectively.


People Who Struggle with Motivation: For those who find it challenging to stay motivated on their own, 1-2-1 personal training provides a built-in support system. The accountability and encouragement from a dedicated trainer can make a significant difference in maintaining consistency and achieving long-term success.


Individuals with Busy Schedules: If your schedule is hectic and finding time for fitness is a challenge, personalised training offers flexibility. Trainers can work with your schedule, making it easier to incorporate regular workouts into your routine, ensuring that time constraints don't hinder your progress.. 


Fitness Beginners or Those Wanting to Refine Techniques: Whether you're new to fitness or looking to refine your techniques, personal training provides a safe and educational environment. The direct feedback from a qualified trainer ensures that you learn proper form and technique, reducing the risk of injuries and building a strong foundation for future fitness endeavours.



£95 per 1 hour Session 

One off sessions. good for those that are unable to commit to multiple sessions but require expert insight into their health and fitness.  


£85 per 1 hour session / X2 Session per week or more/ Minimum 8 weeks 

Great for those that are looking to completely overhaul their health and fitness. Expert insight into their unique health & fitness.  This service also includes wellness coaching, addressing issues such as diet, sleep, stress and habits.  Online programming will clearly lay out the journey of your fitness goals and weekly online check-ins will  will keep you accountable when you are outside of the gym. 


All Prices are inclusive of gym membership  


Client Experience

 "I signed up for PT with Kate in February. It has been an absolute revelation! I’m the fittest I’ve ever been and since the beginning of the year I’ve lost a stone in weight and about 5% body fat! Her programming is top notch and you notice how quickly you begin to improve. Plus with her app and exercise schedule set throughout the week I am kept accountable and want to keep that streak alive!" - Lloyd Major /  32 /  Web Developer 


More client experiences. 

Not suitable for you? No problem. Check out Online Coaching Here

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